This script lets you set specify a matrix of audio patches, and key strings in the filenames of your audio stems that you want to be assigned.
For example, if you have files like:
Then you can open up the script, and edit the matrix to fit your needs. Then select any quantity of audio cues (or video cues) and run the script.

Copy the text to the right, and paste it into a script cue in your QLab workspace. I recommend assigning it a hotkey, or I like to give each script cue a unique cue number using letters, and then trigger it from Bitfocus Companion.
--This script auto-assigns channel matrix assignments based off of file names. Any cues that cannot be sorted will be flagged, and a dialog will inform you how many there were.
--Supports mono or stereo files
--Supports up to 16 outputs -> it just won't clear the matrix more than that. Not an issue, and easy to adjust add more to the script
--Taylor Glad
set theAudioMatrix to {}
--Making letters variables so you don't need as many quotation marks when filling out the matrix
set L to "L"
set R to "R"
set M to "M"
--output #
--string options inside curly brackets: {} with each option inside quotations, and commas between each option. (Not case sensitive)
--"L","R", or "M". (L or R for Left or Right if it is a stereo output, or M for mono output.) (Your stereo pairs do not neeeed to be in order...)
--the matrix is NOT CASE SENSITIVE
--IF YOU GET ANY ERRORS, there's a 99.999% chance you left out quotation marks somewhere in the matrix below
--BE WISE IN YOUR STRINGS/ABBREVIATIONS. If your song is "Sweet Caroline" then maybe make sure your string for sweetener uses underscores; "_sweet"
--{1,{"stringOption1","stringOption2"},"L"} --Output Label (optional, for your convenience only)
---------COMPLETE THE MATRIX---------
set the end of theAudioMatrix to {1, {"_base"}, L} --Track L
set the end of theAudioMatrix to {2, {"_base"}, R} --Track R
set the end of theAudioMatrix to {3, {"Sing", "_SWT"}, L} --Sweetener L
set the end of theAudioMatrix to {4, {"Sing", "_SWT"}, R} --Sweetener R
set the end of theAudioMatrix to {5, {"_clk"}, M} --Click
(* 16 Channel Example
set the end of theAudioMatrix to {1, {"_CLK", "Click"}, M} --Click
set the end of theAudioMatrix to {2, {"_Cues"}, M} --Cues
set the end of theAudioMatrix to {3, {"_ACGTR"}, L} --Acoustic Guitar L
set the end of theAudioMatrix to {4, {"_ACGTR"}, R} --Acoustic Guitar R
set the end of theAudioMatrix to {5, {"_BGV"}, L} --Background Vocals L
set the end of theAudioMatrix to {6, {"_BGV"}, R} --Background Vocals R
set the end of theAudioMatrix to {7, {"_BSS", "Bass"}, L} --Bass L
set the end of theAudioMatrix to {8, {"_BSS", "Bass"}, R} --Bass R
set the end of theAudioMatrix to {9, {"_DRMS", "Drums"}, L} --Drums L
set the end of theAudioMatrix to {10, {"_DRMS", "Drums"}, R} --Drums R
set the end of theAudioMatrix to {11, {"_ELGTR"}, L} --Electric Guitar L
set the end of theAudioMatrix to {12, {"_ELGTR"}, R} --Electric Guitar R
set the end of theAudioMatrix to {13, {"_KYS", "Keys"}, L} --Keys L
set the end of theAudioMatrix to {14, {"_KYS", "Keys"}, R} --Keys R
set the end of theAudioMatrix to {15, {"_PRC", "Perc"}, L} --Percussion L
set the end of theAudioMatrix to {16, {"_PRC", "Perc"}, R} --Percussion R
(* 5 Channel Example
set the end of theAudioMatrix to {1, {"_Base"}, L} --Track L
set the end of theAudioMatrix to {2, {"_Base"}, R} --Track R
set the end of theAudioMatrix to {3, {"Sweet", "_SWT"}, M} --Sweetener L
set the end of theAudioMatrix to {4, {"Sweet", "_SWT"}, L} --Sweetener R
set the end of theAudioMatrix to {5, {"Click", "_CLK"}, R} --Click
--make theAudioMatrix all lowercase, so it is not case sensitive
set theComparisonCharacters to "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
set theSourceCharacters to "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
set theAlteredText to ""
set rowCount to 1
repeat with eachRow in theAudioMatrix
set itemCount to 1
repeat with eachItem in item 2 of eachRow
repeat with aCharacter in eachItem
set theoffset to offset of aCharacter in theComparisonCharacters
if theoffset is not 0 then
set theAlteredText to (theAlteredText & character theoffset of theSourceCharacters) as string
set theAlteredText to (theAlteredText & aCharacter) as string
end if
end repeat
set item itemCount of item 2 of item rowCount of theAudioMatrix to theAlteredText
set theAlteredText to ""
set itemCount to itemCount + 1
end repeat
set rowCount to rowCount + 1
end repeat
set cueErrors to 0
tell application id "com.figure53.QLab.4" to tell front workspace
set selectedCues to selected as list
repeat with eachCue in selectedCues
if (the q type of eachCue is "Video") or (the q type of eachCue is "Audio") then
if the audio input channels of eachCue is greater than 2 then --skips this audio cue if it has more than 2 channels
set the flagged of eachCue to 1
set cueErrors to (cueErrors + 1)
set notEmptyCue to true
set theCueName to the q default name of eachCue
item 1 of theCueName
on error
set the flagged of eachCue to 1
set cueErrors to (cueErrors + 1)
set notEmptyCue to false
end try
if notEmptyCue then
--make theCueName all lowercase, so it is not case sensitive
set theComparisonCharacters to "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
set theSourceCharacters to "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
set theAlteredText to ""
repeat with aCharacter in theCueName
set theoffset to offset of aCharacter in theComparisonCharacters
if theoffset is not 0 then
set theAlteredText to (theAlteredText & character theoffset of theSourceCharacters) as string
set theAlteredText to (theAlteredText & aCharacter) as string
end if
end repeat
set theCueName to theAlteredText
--clear default values --add more if this isn't enough for you
setLevel eachCue row 1 column 1 db -100
setLevel eachCue row 1 column 2 db -100
setLevel eachCue row 1 column 3 db -100
setLevel eachCue row 1 column 4 db -100
setLevel eachCue row 1 column 5 db -100
setLevel eachCue row 1 column 6 db -100
setLevel eachCue row 1 column 7 db -100
setLevel eachCue row 1 column 8 db -100
setLevel eachCue row 1 column 9 db -100
setLevel eachCue row 1 column 10 db -100
setLevel eachCue row 1 column 11 db -100
setLevel eachCue row 1 column 12 db -100
setLevel eachCue row 1 column 13 db -100
setLevel eachCue row 1 column 14 db -100
setLevel eachCue row 1 column 15 db -100
setLevel eachCue row 1 column 16 db -100
setLevel eachCue row 2 column 1 db -100
setLevel eachCue row 2 column 2 db -100
setLevel eachCue row 2 column 3 db -100
setLevel eachCue row 2 column 4 db -100
setLevel eachCue row 2 column 5 db -100
setLevel eachCue row 2 column 6 db -100
setLevel eachCue row 2 column 7 db -100
setLevel eachCue row 2 column 8 db -100
setLevel eachCue row 2 column 9 db -100
setLevel eachCue row 2 column 10 db -100
setLevel eachCue row 2 column 11 db -100
setLevel eachCue row 2 column 12 db -100
setLevel eachCue row 2 column 13 db -100
setLevel eachCue row 2 column 14 db -100
setLevel eachCue row 2 column 15 db -100
setLevel eachCue row 2 column 16 db -100
set matchFound to false
repeat with eachRow in theAudioMatrix
repeat with eachString in item 2 of eachRow
if the theCueName contains eachString then
if item 3 of eachRow is "L" then
if the audio input channels of eachCue is 1 then --Mono audio file
setLevel eachCue row 1 column (item 1 of eachRow) db 0
else --Stereo audio file
setLevel eachCue row 1 column (item 1 of eachRow) db 0
end if --
else if item 3 of eachRow is "R" then
if the audio input channels of eachCue is 1 then --Mono audio file
setLevel eachCue row 1 column (item 1 of eachRow) db 0
else --Stereo audio file
setLevel eachCue row 2 column (item 1 of eachRow) db 0
end if --
else --if item 3 of eachRow is "M" or anything else then
if the audio input channels of eachCue is 1 then --Mono audio file
setLevel eachCue row 1 column (item 1 of eachRow) db 0
else --Stereo audio file
setLevel eachCue row 1 column (item 1 of eachRow) db -3
setLevel eachCue row 2 column (item 1 of eachRow) db -3
end if --
end if --if item 3 is L, R, or M (If the cue output is Stereo or Mono)
set matchFound to true
exit repeat --exits the loop since a match was found
end if --theCueName contains eachString
end repeat --each string in eachRow
end repeat --eachRow in theAudioMatrix
if matchFound is false then
set the flagged of eachCue to 1
set cueErrors to (cueErrors + 1)
if the audio input channels of eachCue is 1 then --Mono audio file
setLevel eachCue row 1 column 1 db 0
setLevel eachCue row 1 column 2 db 0
else --Stereo audio file
setLevel eachCue row 1 column 1 db 0
setLevel eachCue row 2 column 2 db 0
end if --mono vs stereo file
end if --if no match is found
end if --notEmptyCue (cue's default name won't produce an error)
end if --the cue doesn't have more than 2 channels
end if --if the cue is an audio cue or video cue
end repeat --eachCue
if cueErrors = 1 then
display dialog "1 track could not be auto-matrixed" with title "Auto-Matrix Erros" with icon 2
else if cueErrors > 1 then
display dialog (cueErrors as string) & " tracks could not be auto-matrixed" with title "Auto-Matrix Erros" with icon 2
end if
end tell