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  • Writer's pictureTaylor Glad

Create Cues (Looping and Range) QLab 5

Updated: Dec 25, 2023


The looping is great for when someone is just shouting numbers at you. The dialog runs in a loop, so you can just keep pressing enter between numbers. Click "End" on the dialog box to close.

Or you can click on "Create Range" to set a starting number, ending number, and increment value (which all accept decimals) to create a large quantity of cues at once. (For me it takes less than 10 seconds to make 100 cues.)

Tweak the scripts to add cue numbers, cue names, or to set different parameters.

These scripts use QLab's network device definitions, and so the correct patches needs to be set before creating cues. If the cues are created before proper network settings, changing the network settings afterwards will not fix the cues. To enforce a proper network patch before creating cues, there is a place at the top of each to script specify the name of the network patch you want the cues to use. The script will stop if it doesn't see a network patch with the name indicated.



Copy the text below, and paste it into a script cue in your QLab workspace. I recommend assigning it a hotkey, or I like to give each script cue a unique cue number using letters, and then trigger it from Bitfocus Companion.

QLab Start and Autoload Next OSC Network Messages

et networkPatchName to "Eos" --put the name (case sensitive) of your network patch with type set to "ETC Eos family". If there are multiple network patches with the same name, the first result (highest on the list) will be used.

set networkPatchName to "QLab" --put the name (case sensitive) of your network patch with type set to "ETC Eos family". If there are multiple network patches with the same name, the first result (highest on the list) will be used.

tell application id "com.figure53.QLab.5" to tell front workspace
repeat --repeat with this "original dialog box"
display dialog "What cue number for the QLab OSC Message?" default answer "" with title "QLab OSC Cue" with icon 1 buttons {"End", "Create Range", "Make"} default button "Make"
set theResult to result
set buttonReturned to button returned of theResult
if buttonReturned = "Make" then
set OSCQ to (text returned of theResult) as string
make type "Network"
set selectedQ to last item of (selected as list)
set the network patch name of selectedQ to networkPatchName
if the network patch name of selectedQ is not networkPatchName then
display dialog ("Please create a network patch for ETC Eos family and name it: " & networkPatchName) with title "QLab OSC Cue" with icon 1
end if
set the parameter values of selectedQ to {"Cues", "Active workspace", OSCQ, "All cue types", "Start and load next"}
--set the q number of selectedQ to ("S" & OSCQ)
--set the q name of selectedQ to ("Start " & OSCQ)

else if buttonReturned = "Create Range" then
display dialog "From:" default answer "" with title "QLab OSC Cue Create Range" with icon 1
set rangeFrom to text returned of result
display dialog "From " & rangeFrom & " to:" default answer "" with title "Eos OSC Cue Create Range" with icon 1
set rangeTo to text returned of result
display dialog "From " & rangeFrom & " to " & rangeTo & " incrementing by:" default answer "" with title "QLab OSC Cue Create Range" with icon 1
set rangeIncrement to text returned of result

set OSCQ to rangeFrom
repeat while OSCQ is less than or equal to rangeTo
make type "Network"
set selectedQ to last item of (selected as list)
set the network patch name of selectedQ to networkPatchName
if the network patch name of selectedQ is not networkPatchName then
display dialog ("Please create a network patch for ETC Eos family and name it: " & networkPatchName) with title "QLab OSC Cue" with icon 1
end if
set OSCQString to OSCQ as string
set the parameter values of selectedQ to {"Cues", "Active workspace", OSCQ, "All cue types", "Start and load next"}
--set the q number of selectedQ to ("S" & OSCQ)
--set the q name of selectedQ to ("Start " & OSCQ)
set OSCQ to rangeIncrement + OSCQ
end repeat --repeating for the Create Range

else --menu option from original dialog box was not "Make" or "Create Range"
end if --end of menu options from original dialog box
end repeat --end of original dialog box
end tell -- end of script
--Taylor Glad

QLab ETC Eos OSC Network Messages

set networkPatchName to "Eos" --put the name (case sensitive) of your network patch with type set to "ETC Eos family". If there are multiple network patches with the same name, the first result (highest on the list) will be used.

tell application id "com.figure53.QLab.5" to tell front workspace
repeat --repeat with this "original dialog box"
display dialog "What cue number for the Eos OSC message?" default answer "" with title "Eos OSC Cue" with icon 1 buttons {"End", "Create Range", "Make"} default button "Make"
set theResult to result
set buttonReturned to button returned of theResult
if buttonReturned = "Make" then
set EOSQ to (text returned of theResult) as string
make type "Network"
set selectedQ to last item of (selected as list)
set the network patch name of selectedQ to networkPatchName
if the network patch name of selectedQ is not networkPatchName then
display dialog ("Please create a network patch for ETC Eos family and name it: " & networkPatchName) with title "EOS OSC Cue" with icon 1
end if
set the parameter values of selectedQ to {"Cues", "No", "Run cue", EOSQ}
--set the q number of selectedQ to ("L" & EOSQ)
--set the q name of selectedQ to ("Lights " & EOSQ)

else if buttonReturned = "Create Range" then
display dialog "From:" default answer "" with title "Eos OSC Cue Create Range" with icon 1
set rangeFrom to text returned of result
display dialog "From " & rangeFrom & " to:" default answer "" with title "Eos OSC Cue Create Range" with icon 1
set rangeTo to text returned of result
display dialog "From " & rangeFrom & " to " & rangeTo & " incrementing by:" default answer "" with title "Eos OSC Cue Create Range" with icon 1
set rangeIncrement to text returned of result

set EOSQ to rangeFrom
repeat while EOSQ is less than or equal to rangeTo
make type "Network"
set selectedQ to last item of (selected as list)
set the network patch name of selectedQ to networkPatchName
if the network patch name of selectedQ is not networkPatchName then
display dialog ("Please create a network patch for ETC Eos family and name it: " & networkPatchName) with title "EOS OSC Cue" with icon 1
end if
set EOSQString to EOSQ as string
set the parameter values of selectedQ to {"Cues", "No", "Run cue", EOSQString}
--set the q number of selectedQ to ("L" & EOSQ)
--set the q name of selectedQ to ("Lights " & EOSQ)
set EOSQ to rangeIncrement + EOSQ
end repeat --repeating for the Create Range

else --menu option from original dialog box was not "Make" or "Create Range"
end if --end of menu options from original dialog box
end repeat --end of original dialog box
end tell -- end of script
--Taylor Glad

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